
The top-level configuration fields are:

Name Type Description Default
name string The name of your planet "Planet"
url string The base URL of your planet ""
owner string Your name ""
email string Your email ""
feed_id string Unique ID to use for the Atom feed ""
cache string The path, relative to mercury.toml of the feed cache "./cache"
timeout duration How long to wait when fetching a feed -
theme string The path, relative to mercury.toml of the theme to use use default theme
output string The path, relative to mercury.toml to which mercury should write the files it generates "./output"
items number The number of items to include per page 10
max_pages number The maximum number of pages to generate 5

A duration is a sequence of numbers followed by a unit, with 's' being 'second', 'm' being 'minute', and 'h' being 'hour'. Thus '5m30' would mean five minutes and thirty seconds.

The feed ID is a URI identifying the feed. I would recommend using a tag URI, or a UUID URN. In the latter case, use a UUID generator such as uuidgen to generate a UUID, prefix it with urn:uuid:, and use the result as the value of feed_id.

Each feed is introduced with [[feed]], and can contain the following fields:

Name Type Description
name string The name of the feed
feed string The URL of the feed. Note that this must be the URL of the feed itself and no attempt is made to do feed discovery if all that's provided is the site's homepage